Immaculate Machasio aus Kenia, PhD in Monetäre Ökonomik an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Name: Immaculate Machasio
Herkunftsland: Kenia
Studiengang: Promotion in Monetäre Ökonomik am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Aktuelle Tätigkeit: Beraterin für die Weltbank
Warum hast Du Dich damals dazu entschieden bei STUBE teilzunehmen?
I had seen STUBE Hessen flyers before but I hadn’t quite developed a keen interest in participating in any seminar. One day, a close friend of mine who had previously participated in a seminar organized by STUBE Hessen informed me about the interesting sessions and discussions she had attended. I was curious to have a first hand experience and for that reason, I registered for a weekend seminar and I was tremendously impressed. I particularly liked the cordial environment created by the organizers who reassured us that our opinions count and encouraged all attendees to actively participate. There was also diversity in terms of topics of discussion, which were all development oriented and participants‘ knowledge background from a wide variety of developing countries. It was a great pleasure networking and building a network of friends facilitated by the friendly environment created by the participants and fostered by the facilitators.
Wie hat STUBE Deinen Hochschulalltag bereichert und geprägt?
STUBE opened a new chapter in my academic life because after attending the initial seminar, I felt as if my eyes had suddenly opened as I developed a broader range of research interests as well as a wider scope of interesting ideas. Through interaction with fellow participants and facilitators, I felt more confident in putting forth my ideas. Exposure to presenting our work during the seminar also significantly contributed toward my presentation and communication skills. Over and above that, my networking skills were honed and I can proudly say that I still have a circle of friends who I met during the STUBE seminars within my close circle of friends.
Welche Tipps würdest Du anderen internationalen Studierenden, die gerade mit dem Studium begonnen haben, auf den Weg geben?
I would advise international students to be open-minded, proactive and actively participate in activities which can improve their education outcomes and make their studies more interesting and their overall experience memorable. It is absolutely important for one to look for a mentor to guide them academically as well as provide professional guidance. More importantly, it is advisable for students to prioritize their studies and remain focussed in their academics at the same time build a network of worthwhile friends for moral support.
Bitte ergänze folgenden Satz: STUBE Hessen bedeutet für mich...
When I look back at my experience as a PhD student in Germany, STUBE Hessen means a home away from home. In actual sense, STUBE prepared me for my current career role by availing a great chance to participate in workshops and seminars. According to me, STUBE Hessen implies a platform that facilitates all round formation of students from developing countries. It is a programme well designed to create a warm environment for students to exchange ideas and learn from each other and ultimately attain their career goals in life.
Wo arbeitest Du aktuell? Lässt sich ein entwicklungspolitischer Bezug angelehnt zu die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) herstellen?
I am currently an Economic Consultant at the World Bank, working in the Social Protection and Jobs department. To be specific, I work in the migration and remittances unit and our work revolves around research, policy advocacy and designing estimation models with respect to remittances and migration patterns. 10 out of the 17 SDGs contain targets that are relevant to migration and mobility and that ties in pretty well with the agenda of inclusion without leaving no one behind.
Wie verlief Dein Berufseinstieg und wo bist Du heute beruflich angekommen?
I am tremendously grateful to launch my career at the World Bank because this is exactly what I envisioned when I was undertaking my doctorate studies. The work I am currently engaged in is intellectually stimulating and morally satisfying because I get to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of my studies. I am also working in a multicultural environment full of brilliant colleagues whose goals are development oriented. I can confidently say that STUBE Hessen prepared me in all aspects to be the best I could ever be in my career and beyond.
Sie sind ebenfalls STUBE Alumni und möchten Ihre Geschichten mit internationalen Studierenden teilen? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Nachricht an stube-ref[at]
Ehemalige STUBE Hessen-Teilnehmende berichten in unserer Alumni-Rubrik von ihren Erfahrungen, die sie bei STUBE und im Studium gemacht haben. Sie teilen neben wertvollen Tipps für internationale Studierende auch ihren Werdegang und erläutern inwiefern ihre beruflichen Tätigkeiten mit den 17 Zielen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung - Sustainable Development Goals - zu tun haben.