State Chancellery of Saxony
The Free State of Saxony supports the goal of a sustainable develop-ment according to the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations 2000. Sharing the responsibility with the federal government and the municipalities, the state of Saxony attempts to contribute to and
promote development cooperation. This was reconfirmed through the signing of the 2014 Resolution on Development Policy of the Minister Presidents of the German Federal States.
The state government of Saxony strives to carry out development co-operation as a cross-sectional task with the significant participation of the civil society and of the Development Policy Network of Saxony (Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsen e.V.). In particular, Saxony supports development education and information in schools so that, among other things, extracurricular all-day learning pro-grams can be provided. The State Ministry of Education supports the Co-ordination Centre of “Education for Sustainable Development”, which provides the framework for mutual exchange and networking of formal and informal education.