§ 1 Basic regulations

The database for global learning contains organisations and institutions (but no individuals!), which work in the field of global learning, and are located in the European countries listed in the database.

Global learning covers development education, human rights education, sustainability education, education for peace and prevention of conflicts, as well as intercultural education, thus the global dimensions of civic education.

To register in the database, you have to enter at least your address.

WUS reserves the right to deny applications, if they do not fit in the field of global learning or if they contravene the principles of our organisation. About the admission to the database decides only the World University Service (WUS). The further rights and duties are derived from the terms of use. They are part of the agreement and both parties (the WUS and the member-organisation) automatically accept their contents and validity through registration. There is no claim to get listed in the database.

§ 2 Password

Enter your e-mail address as your user name and choose a password when you register. Please keep the password in confidence in your own interest.

§ 3 The contents of the database

The contents of the database are only published, if they serve the purpose of global learning (§ 1). The publishing of other contents, which are not related to the subjects of the database, is not allowed. The participating organisations have to make sure, that the published contents do not contravene the constitutional order or general laws in their particular countries.

§ 4 Correctness of the information listed in the database

The compilation of the information in the database was performed with great care. However, we want to point out, that we cannot guarantee the absolute correctness of the transferred information.

§ 5 Updating and development of the database

The database will be regularly updated and improved. The registered organisations may be asked by the WUS to check their data. If there is no reaction the WUS reserves the right to delete the particular entries.

§ 6 Liability Exclusion

If you get to another website via a link of the database or using search engines, we do not take the responsibility for the contents of these sites.

§ 7 Deletion of entries

The organisations and institutions, which are registered in the database, have the right to have deleted their entries at any time. The deletion can only be accomplished by WUS. After that the password is invalid. To register again in the database, it is necessary to apply anew. The WUS can delete entries, if they do not serve the purposes mentioned in § 1 and § 3. The WUS does not have to give reasons for the deletion.

§ 8 Legal instructions

In the case of litigation, German law will be applied.

§ 9 Copyright

A non-commercial use of the database is allowed, if the copyright is observed and the sources are quoted. A commercial use, reproduction, presentation or publication is not allowed without a written prior agreement.

§ 10 Commencement of agreement

The agreement for the use of the database is automatically coming into effect after the registration. The participating institutions will not receive a  separate note.

§ 11 Changing of the terms of use

The WUS reserves the right to change or to add to the terms of use in the future. Please check the terms of use once in a while to find out, if changes have occurred. With every use of the database you agree to the particular valid version of the terms of use.

§ 12 Participation of others in the database

The database was developed with the financial aid of the European Union. The therein mentioned standpoints reflect the notions of the WUS, and do not represent the official opinion of the European Union.