Irinis Square & Navarinou Str.
P.O.Box 56671
CY 3309 Limassol
+357 253 43311
+357 253 56066
Description of the Organization: 

CYMEPA was formed with the initiative of the International Shipping Community of Cyprus and with the support of the Commercial Community of the island. CYMEPA is an autonomous, not-for-profit NGO funded solely by its members.

The principal aim of CYMEPA is to actively assist effective efforts to prevent all forms of pollution of the sea. The Association also helps seafarers and executives to be more aware of safety and the protection of the marine environment. CYMEPA also operates extensive public awareness campaigns. CYMEPA supports and assists the Government of Cyprus in ratifying and implementing international conventions addressing the protection of the marine environment.

CYMEPA has set up in its headquarters, CYMEPA HOUSE in Limassol, a special hall where training seminars take place. CYMEPA has produced and is distributing several shipping publications.

The Blue Flag is annually awarded to Beaches and Marinas that comply with a list of criteria ranging from water quality to environmental education and information to beach/marina area management and safety.

The Young Reporters will investigate an environmental issue facing their community. They communicate their findings by writing articles in the local press attempting to create awareness about that specific issue. At a European level Young Reporters communicate with colleagues in other countries via the Internet.

Eco-schools are a Europe-wide project designed to encourage and acknowledge whole-school action for the environment. It will help pupils, staff, parents and the local authorities recognize the importance of environmental issues and take them more seriously in their personal and home lives.

Themes of the organization: 
Development education
Organization type: 