The Weltladen Parent Organization
All Weltladen shops in Germany are members of the Weltladen parent organization which has its headquarters in Mainz. It coordinates joint efforts as well as publicity campaigns and provides continuing education for employees and current information on Weltladen shops. The Weltladen parent organization sees itself as an organisation dedicated to serve its members.
Its most important goals are:
- to promote the idea of fair trade and to bring the Weltladen shops to the attention of the public and policy-makers.
- to give the public a clear and coherent idea of Weltladen shops and their philosophy.
- to establish Weltladen shops as specialized shops of fair trade and to systematically improve and support their work.
- to further develop the work of the Weltladen shops under today´s changing conditions.
Accordingly, one main focus lies in the organisation of political activities, like our "Weltladen Days", which traditionally take place in May. The Weltladen parent organization promotes fair play in world trade through activities that attract public attention. Another principal concern of its work is to become known to a broader public. Currently the Weltladen parent organization is cooperating closely with youths on the subject of global learning. The Weltladen parent organization is a member of the Forum for Fair Trade, a union of the most important players in fair trade in Germany.