Further Straße 37
41462 Neuss
+49 2131 18550
Description of the Organization: 

In 1990, more than 20 One World and Third World associations joined together to form the registered association Neusser-Eine-Welt-Initiative (NEWI). NEWI informs and educates in order to raise awareness for topics related to development policy among the citizens of the German city of Neuss. The main tasks of the full-time coordinator include intensive public relations and lobby work as well as educational work. NEWI puts its main emphasis on fair trade, an annual One World festival, superregional campaigns and the support of the Local Agenda 21 in Neuss. NEWI owns a well-equipped office; a learning place outside of school – the Café Flair – and the exhibition Kaffeegarten (coffee garden), that is operated within the framework of a public-private partnership concept.

The Kaffeegarten is an interactive exhibition about coffee farming, consequences of world trade and the advantages of fair trade. In 90-minute workshops on coffee, visitors can find answers to many questions about the Germans’ favourite drink. This offer is aimed at school classes of any age, apprentices in the hotel, catering or grocery trade and any interested groups from, among others, businesses, administrations, churches and associations.

As part of their KOMPact education project, the Neuss based Neusser-Eine-Welt-Initiative (NEWI), a registered association, has compiled materials and methods to support global learning. Covering the topics of fair trade, globalisation (focals areas: developing countries, world trade), human rights (focal areas: children’s rights, refugees, HIV/AIDS) and the Agenda 21(focus areas: nutrition and health, world climate and energy resources as well as paper use), NEWI now presents an expandable loose-leaf binding in an especially designed folder. It provides background information about each topic mentioned and also includes suggestions on how to put the presented ideas into action. Furthermore, readers can find extensive, commented link and address lists in the compilation. It therefore offers a solid ’market overview’ and is a valuable source of information for the teaching of global relations based upon the principles of education for sustainability.

Services of the organization: 
Education offers
Public relations/campaigns
Production of educational/teaching resources
Themes of the organization: 
Agenda 2030 / Agenda 21
Development education
Fair trade
Global learning/global education
Human rights
Sustainable development
Organization type: 
Non-Governmental Organization