Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau
Welthaus is a group of six organizations involved in development policy. These organisation are located in Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, St. Pölten, and Vienna. Together, we are working towards a sustainable society in which human dignity and justice play a major role.
By participating in campaigns and lobbywork, Welthaus helps to gain support for development projects from policy makers and international institutions. Welthaus offers intercultural encounters and provides children and adults with information, advice, and education in the field of development policy. Welthaus provides speakers from developing countries and from Eastern Europe who are trained in Global Learning. It also develops and organizes workshops, seminars, and courses on Global Learning for people of all ages. In cooperation with institutions providing training and further education for teachers, our organizations in Graz and Linz each offer a course on Global Learning.
Welthaus supports and helps carry out projects in developing countries as well as in Eastern and Southeast Europe. We regularly invite guests from those areas to Austria , and they can provide genuine insight into everyday life in their countries of origin. These encounters create an atmosphere of exchange and mutual learning.