Kaiserstraße 201
53113 Bonn
+49 228 763698-0
Description of the Organization: 

SÜDWIND – carries out research for just economic relations ...

Our work at SÜDWIND is based on the conviction that there is a connection between the wealth of industrial countries and the widespread poverty in developing countries.

In many research areas, our SÜDWIND studies prove that we here in Germany—political and economic institutions as well as consumers are also responsible for the mismanagement in developing countries. More than just analyzing the problems, SÜDWIND is also searching for ways to act: How, in the interest of the poor, can the current situation be changed to incorporate global economic justice?

... and creates recommendations for campaigns

Our many solutions include:

  • Advocacy to put pressure on companies and political decision makers
  • Direct negotiations with the individuals responsible
  • Cooperation with and support for campaigns such as erlassjahr. de (the year of debt relief), Gerechtigkeit jetzt! (justice now) or Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung (campaign for clean clothes).

SÜDWIND works closely together with other institutions, organizations concerned with development cooperation, initiatives, associations, and communities in Germany and all over the world.

Themes of the organization: 
World economic relations
Organization type: 