PRO ASYL - Human Rights Organisation for Refugees in Germany
PRO ASYL was founded in 1986 with the aim of establishing an effective voice for the rights of refugees in Germany. We are a national association of people working for federal refugee councils, churches, trade unions, welfare and human rights organizations. PRO ASYL is a non-profit association and finances itself with membership-fees and donations.At present the support association has 12.000 members.
- promotes the rights of refugees,
- publishes leaflets and information sheets about causes for flight and integration of refugees in Germany,
- performs educational work by organizing events and symposia.,
- supports exemplary court cases and law suits in order to secure justice for refugees,
- promotes regional associations of refugee councils and collaborates with refugee initiatives,
- makes proposals for the annual Day of the Refugee.
One of PRO ASYL´s current emphases is the campaign "Hier geblieben – Recht auf Bleiberecht" (the right of asylum). It campaigns for more than 150.000 people who are living in Germany and who are apparently are often well-integrated in society, but are in fact merely "tolerated" and even after many years have to face the possibility of deportation. A broad basis of linked organizations supports PRO ASYL in demanding liberal asylum laws. Basic initiatives promote the campaign within the federal states and communities. PRO ASYL has created posters, flyers, and background brochures for this purpose. PRO ASYL keeps a critical eye on the refugee policy in Germany and Europe and consistently gets involved in current political debates.