Sveavägen 68, 5 tr
Postadress: Box 836
101 36 Stockholm
+46 8 6775770
Description of the Organization: 

The Palme Center was founded in 1992 by the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation and the Swedish Cooperative Union and has currently 29 member organisations from the Swedish labour movement. The board is chaired by Ingvar Carlsson, previously Prime Minister. Operations are led by Secretary General Thomas Hammarberg and Carin Jämtin heads development cooperation activities. The Palme Center runs extensive meeting and seminar activities, which together with the web service and a magazine form a broad opinion-moulding platform. Each year the Palmecenter and its member organisations work with almost 200 projects. These deal with everything from adult education to human rights, democracy and reconciliation.

Services of the organization: 
Themes of the organization: 
Human rights
Organization type: 
Non-Governmental Organization