Schwanthalerstraße 80
80336 Munich
+49 89 85637523
Description of the Organization: 

We are an association of 54 Munich-based initiatives, groups, organizations and about a dozen private individuals who are active in the area of development policy. The objective of our association is to bring the important concerns of the countries of the South, which are the developing countries, to the North in order to initiate changes on both sides in favor of a common future. Therefore, as a North-South Forum, we do lobbying at a regional level and beyond.

We are particularly active in educational and public relations work. We organize seminars, information events, symposia, plays, exhibitions, campaigns etc. and we compile didactic accompanying and background material. We also collaborate with other initiatives, social groups, and institutions in order to emphasize our common interests. Moreover, it is important to us to provide a platform to people of the South to ensure and expand the intercultural dialogue.

Apart from their work in their respective (independent) groups, many of our members are also active in the open work groups of the North South Forum; e.g. in the One World Education work group (global learning and issues of the North-South work in schools, children and youth institutions; development of materials). This work group played a leading role in the foundation of the regional work group entitled 'School and One World' as well as the Global Learning Forum in which our work group and the North-South Forum actively participate.

Services of the organization: 
Contact to experts/visiting speakers
Themes of the organization: 
Fair trade
Global learning/global education
Organization type: 
Non-Governmental Organization