Kronenstraße 16a
79100 Freiburg
+49 761 74003
Description of the Organization: 

The abbreviation iz3w stands for "information center 3. world" in Freiburg. The most important feature of our work is the publication of the magazine iz3w.

We also maintain an extensive archive for magazines and newspapers, open to the general public. Apart from this we occasionally publish documentations and books.

The focal point of our work is the magazine iz3w. Since 1970 the iz3w is one of the most important independent magazines catering to north-south themes in the German speaking world. In our eight editions yearly, we deal with various topics ranging from globalization – migration and racism, development politics and theory, ecology and media, literature, sport and music as well as with social movements. These and many other issues are analysed in light of the north-south relations, which still remain the central issue for political, economic and cultural developments in spite of the shifts in recent times.

The iz3w makes no claim towards being a neutral source of information and analysis of world happenings. We are more inclined towards a critical approach of the "new world order", which in our opinion is not
entirely for the betterment of all. A world, which has an abundance of material possibilities to guarantee a decent living for all, instead of which we have a world where billions are forced to live in poverty & suppression.

Services of the organization: 
Themes of the organization: 
Development policy