Volmerswerther Str. 20
40221 Düsseldorf
+49 211 159255-5
+49 211 159255-69
Description of the Organization: 

TheInformation, Documentation and Action Center Against Xenophobia For a Multicultural Future (IDA) serves as a nationwide central contact point for youth associations, organizations, initiatives and professionals involved in youth welfare and educational work. It provides them with information material on (anti-)racism, right-wing extremism, intercultural relations and migration. IDA focuses on anti-racist and intercultural methods and approaches; it initiates projects related to youth welfare and links people working in this domain. IDA is a service center focusing on information, documentation, counseling, training, cooperation, networking, and public relations work.

IDA´s main points are:

  • Providing information and counseling
  • Publishing registries of speakers, movies, videos and educational material
  • Creating readers and flyers for professionals involved in youth welfare and educational work, e.g. concerning tolerance, integration, training, gender mainstreaming and international youth meetings.
  • Publishing a regular newsletter including the latest information on anti-racism and youth association work.
  • Organizing symposia and workshops
  • Provide training for young people active in (im)migrant organizations

The IDA-NRW is a state-run project associated with the organization. The IDA links theory and practice and serves as an intermediary between science & research and educational & youth welfare work. You will find the IDA represented in various German networks. When creating and setting up events, the IDA cooperates with related organizations, sometimes it even plans and arranges whole events for its cooperation partners.

Services of the organization: 
Education offers
Themes of the organization: 
Organization type: 
Non-Governmental Organization