EDUCASOL - Plate-forme d'éducation au dévelopment et à la solidarité internationale
EDUCASOL – Plate-Forme Française d’Education au Développement et à la Solidarité Internationale (French platform for development education and international solidarity) Educasol is an organisation that has set itself the task of strengthening and enhancing activity in the fields of development education work and international solidarity
- It coordinates the work of actors involved in development education as well as international solidarity and strengthens their positions
- It promotes development education work and the enhancement of international solidarity at various institutions. Associations that have different structures:
The Educasol platform unites four types of actors: associations for international solidarity, associations organised as networks, associations representing interest groups as well as organisers of groups, campaigns and programmes.
Educasol is not only open to all associations for international solidarity acting on a national level, but also to those involved regionally. On these different levels, important work is done in the fields of development education and international solidarity.
Educasol supports many areas: The Educasol platform aims to strengthen the position of the key actors in the development education domain, and to represent them at the level of French and European authorities in a better way. For this reason, the organisation covers different coordination associations like HCCI (Haut Conseil de la coopération internationale [higher council of international cooperation]), CCD (Commission Coopération Développement [committee on development and cooperation]), CONCORD (European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development), DEEEP (Development Education Exchange in Europe Project), the Development Education Forum (political body of CONCORD – the permanent working group) and the North-South Centre.