CIE - Centre for Inclusive Education Sofia
The Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE) is a non-governmental organisation whose main aim is to help as many children as possible to learn and play together with their peers. We believe that each child should be given the chance to be accepted, valued and to have the opportunity to develop their abilities. We give answer how inclusive education is happening more and more consciously and fully in Bulgarian schools. We work for social inclusion and quality education for all children and for safeguarding of those in need. The team of the Centre works actively with parents, teachers, managers, professionals, local and state authorities, business organizations, colleagues from the country and abroad and we are happy with the change that is gradually happening.
We believe each child must have the opportunity to be accepted and valued.
The Center for Inclusive Education (CIE) works in partnership to achieve social inclusion through quality education for all children.
We are a motivated and dynamic team of social development consultants with expertise in social policy and development programming, research, advocacy and social campaigning.
Inclusive education for children and youth in state and private educational institutions Social inclusion of disadvantaged children, youth and families Raising public awareness towards inclusive education.