BLA-EZ – Bund-Länder-Ausschuss Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Referat Z 33 Länder, Kommunen
Stresemannstraße 94
10963 Berlin
+49 30 18535-2121
Description of the Organization: 

The BMZ is the highest federal authority for development questions. It plans and controls the development policy of the Federal Government and is responsible for its implementation. From our point of view, development policy is more than the simple commitment to creating humane living conditions on a global level. As a form of international structural policy, it can also help to address the common interests and challenges of all peoples in an effective and sustainable manner. The ministry is located in Bonn and Berlin.

Policy on three levels
The BMZ functions on three different levels: on a national level, in affiliated countries, and in international organizations. An effective development policy can help to shape new structures in global trade and to reach effective agreements on environmental policy. Thus, we can ease the debt burden of the poorest countries, stop global warming, secure peace and develop international strategies to counteract poverty. Development programs are carried out in regions where the efforts of the local authorities are insufficient. Through educational work, we also mobilize support among the population in our country.

Rules of cooperation
Development policy can only work well if it is set in the right framework. Our partners have to meet the following crucial criteria: implementation of human rights, the rule of law and the predictability of legal decisions, involvement of the population in the democratic process, creation of a market-oriented and socially just economy, and a general focus on the development process. Other principles include participation and responsibility.

Our tasks
The BMZ creates the guidelines and focal points for development policy. It represents development policy at several international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Bank group and the World Trade Organization (WTO) and helps to shape international agreements. In cooperation with governmental bodies and non-governmental relief organizations, the BMZ carries out projects and programs in our affiliated countries.

Themes of the organization: 
Development policy
Organization type: 
Governmental organization