The award winners 2019 are:

1. Svenja Binz, Julia Mira Brennauer und Phil-Torben von Lueder for their master thesis in Architecture at the Technische Universität Berlin:
„Urban agriculture in camp communities: New perspectives – Recommendations for action for community-based projects in the scope of urban agriculture in Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan“

2. Jennifer-Louise Robinson for her master thesis in the subject International Migration and intercultural Relations at the University of Osnabrück:

„Gemeinsam allein auf Tahriib. Wie somalische Menschen abseits legaler Wege mithilfe sozialer Netzwerke nach Deutschland kommen“


The award was honoured on 22 November 2019 during a festive ceremony. Impressions (in German) can be found >>here.


The red button leads to the e-library of the submitted theses on our German website. Enjoy browsing and reading!