Ashraf Mahin, Anjum

Masterarbeit, Fachbereich Sustainable Development Management, 77 Seiten, engl.


The focus of the research project is the current development of the Garments as the education sector especially in the Technical Vocational Education Training program to meet the private sector needs and women empowerment. In the rural area of Bangladesh, a large number of women spends free time or during their unemployed time, especially in the monsoon season, and most of the time they make of handcrafts products during this unemployed season. The research goal is that if they were given proper training regarding the garments sector and with microfinance if they get a swing matching then they can be self-employed and can easily get jobs in the garments industries as a trained worker. This process surely going to reduce the unemployment rate in a significant level and will help to improve the GDP of Bangladesh. The German textile souring companies who also import textile products from Bangladesh will be going to be benefited by corporate social responsibility investment on RMG textile training to the women empowerment in Bangladesh. In this way, they will get less expensive products in the long run and sustainable textile in the long run.The thesis designed based on previous experience of the development stakeholders to maximize their current efficiency by creating a partnership and focusing more goal[1]oriented approach to achieve the goal of Government of Bangladesh The proposal of the thesis to focus on three particular sectors like technical vocational education training and sustainable textile which has also the priority of the Government of Bangladesh to achieve the goal in the RMG textile sector.