Grenzenlos – Generation 2022 – HE
Adomako Richard Asenso
Thema SDG #13: "Climate-friendly farming"
My name is Adomako Richard Asenso, a Master student of Agrobiotechnology from Ghana and this is why I participate in „Grenzenlos“:
Grenzenlos is a project that provides the platform for students, researchers and scholars to interact with skilled personalities to gain insight and experience about solving pertinent issues in our society. It also provides the opportunity for students to learn and educate other students and the public on issues of concern and sustainable development issues to address future challenges.
Why I chose my topic, 'Climate Smart Agriculture'?:
Can we feed the world's growing population? The world's population is expected to increase from today's 7 billion to way beyond 9 billion by 2050. Global food production needs to be doubled to feed the growing population by 2050. However, climate changes result in food insecurity. Food insecurity has eaten deep into the global economy and every farmer is paying the price for global warming through production constraints and deficits in production outputs.
By means of doubling global food production, sustainable development goal 13 (Climate action) cannot be overlooked hence attention has to be geared towards a Climate Smart Agriculture.